THANKS SO MUCH for your interest in all the good that is grass-fed beef!

Placing an Order:

Due to the variable weights of products, our order page works a little differently.  BUT, it’s as easy as 1-2-3-4!

  1.  Fill up your cart with yummy beef, and submit it, this sends us an email of what you’d like to purchase!
  2.  We put your order together, use the actual package weights to calculate the cost of your meat.
  3.  We will send you an email with your actual total. You can then make a secure payment right from the invoice with PayPal or direct bank transfer. Cash or check are accepted as well.  — My Square account is giving me a headache so unfortunately no cards at this time.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Then we’ll work with you to coordinate a delivery or pick up day and time that works!  Easy peasy.

If you have ANY questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Rachel Bouressa – bouressafamilyfarm@gmail.com

AND this website is a work in progress, so if there’s any kinks or issues, please let me know and I will get on it!

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